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Kristy Van > Gem Favorites List

The Beehive Bar Harbor, ME 10 
Otter Cliff Bar Harbor, ME 42 
Cadillac Mountain Summit Bar Harbor, ME 103 
Schoodic Point Bar Harbor, ME 27 
Jordan Pond House at Jordan Pond Bar Harbor, ME 39 
Nuttallburg Fayetteville, WV
Sandstone Falls Hinton, WV 10 
Lamar Valley Tower Junction, WY 48 
Tower Falls Tower Junction, WY 31 
Petrified Tree Tower Junction, WY 29 
Oxbow Bend Yellowstone South Entrance, WY 38 
Wind Cave Guided Tours Hot Springs, SD 18 
Blacktail Prairie Dog Town Hot Springs, SD
Frijole Ranch Pine Springs, TX
Puerco Pueblo Holbrook, AZ 10 
Desert View Watchtower Grand Canyon, AZ 34 
South Rim Historic District Grand Canyon, AZ 25 
Lava Point Springdale, UT
Salmon Cascades Forks, WA 10 
Diablo Lake Overlook Diablo, WA 21 

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