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Scott Sichler > Trail Favorites List

1.9 mi 3.0 km Good Heart Trail
Easy/Intermediate Easy/Intermediate
Mulegé, MX
Easy/Intermediate Easy/Intermediate
Mulegé, MX
1.2 mi 1.9 km Mulege Sign Trail
Intermediate Intermediate
Mulegé, MX
Intermediate Intermediate
Mulegé, MX
1.6 mi 2.6 km Mesquite Canyon
Intermediate/Difficult Intermediate/Difficult
Loreto, MX
Intermediate/Difficult Intermediate/Difficult
Loreto, MX
1.0 mi 1.7 km El Burro
Intermediate Intermediate
Mulegé, MX
Intermediate Intermediate
Mulegé, MX
12.8 mi 20.7 km Shrine of the Stone Lions AKA Yapashi Pueblo Ruins
Difficult Difficult
White Rock, NM
Difficult Difficult
White Rock, NM
2.0 mi 3.3 km White House Trail
Intermediate Intermediate
Chinle, AZ
Intermediate Intermediate
Chinle, AZ
7.9 mi 12.8 km Syncline Loop Trail
Difficult Difficult
Moab, UT
Difficult Difficult
Moab, UT 35 
2.1 mi 3.4 km Chesler Park Trail
Intermediate Intermediate
Monticello, UT
Intermediate Intermediate
Monticello, UT 25 
0.5 mi 0.8 km Munson Creek Falls
Easy/Intermediate Easy/Intermediate
Tillamook, OR
Easy/Intermediate Easy/Intermediate
Tillamook, OR
15.7 mi 25.3 km Berdoo Canyon Road
Intermediate/Difficult Intermediate/Difficult
Twentynine Palms, CA
Intermediate/Difficult Intermediate/Difficult
Twentynine Palms, CA
3.3 mi 5.3 km Cathedral Wash
Difficult Difficult
LeChee, AZ
Difficult Difficult
LeChee, AZ 22 
4.4 mi 7.1 km Wahweep Hoodoos
Intermediate Intermediate
Escalante, UT
Intermediate Intermediate
Escalante, UT
3.3 mi 5.3 km Airport Loop South
Intermediate Intermediate
West Sedona, AZ
Intermediate Intermediate
West Sedona, AZ 14 
3.0 mi 4.9 km Tower Arch Trail
Intermediate/Difficult Intermediate/Difficult
Moab, UT
Intermediate/Difficult Intermediate/Difficult
Moab, UT 22 

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