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Adam Zerda > Gem Favorites List

Makah Petroglyphs Forks, WA
Olympic Hot Springs Port Angeles, WA
Second Beach Forks, WA 48 
Hoh Rain Forest Forks, WA 56 
Ruby Beach Forks, WA 65 
Artists Paintpots Norris Junction, WY 40 
Norris Geyser Basin Norris Junction, WY 50 
Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River Canyon Village, WY 74 
Old Faithful Old Faithful Village, WY 133 
Grand Prismatic Yellowstone, WY 130 
Artist's Point Canyon Village, WY 108 
Cassidy Arch Loa, UT 21 
Hickman Natural Bridge Loa, UT 35 
Double Arch Moab, UT 75 
Delicate Arch Moab, UT 134 
Fiery Furnace Moab, UT 33 
Zabriskie Point Badwater, CA 50 
Emerald Pools Springdale, UT 106 
South Rim Historic District Grand Canyon, AZ 25 
Desert View Watchtower Grand Canyon, AZ 34 

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