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michael kelso > Gem Favorites List

Hayden Valley Canyon Village, WY 41 
West Thumb Geyser Basin West Thumb Junction, WY 67 
Lake Michigan Beaches Beverly Shores, IN 11 
Beach House Blowout Beverly Shores, IN
Dunes Succession Trail Overlook Ogden Dunes, IN 14 
Mt. Baldy Michigan City, IN
Engine No. 4 Brownsville, KY
Cedar Sink Brownsville, KY 18 
Sandstone Falls Hinton, WV 10 
Nuttallburg Fayetteville, WV
Long Point Overlook Fayetteville, WV 20 
Frijole Ranch Pine Springs, TX
Guadalupe Peak Summit (Signal Peak) Pine Springs, TX 35 
Carlsbad Cavern Whites City, NM 27 
Far View Sites Cortez, CO 12 
Book Cliffs View Fruita, CO
Liberty Cap Redlands, CO 10 
Coke Ovens Overlook Redlands, CO
Pulpit Rock Overlook Montrose, CO 11 

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