4.6 mi — 4h 1m
Pretty steep most of the way. Rocky trail once you get close to the summit. From the top you can see all of Yellowstone Lake as well as the Teton m…
4 mi — 3h 0m
Didn't go all the way to Upper Comet Falls due to snow. River below Comet Falls was covered in snow. Saw a marmot by the falls.
3 mi — 2h 15m
Nice easy trail with some great views of Snow Lake. Bench Lake views are not great. Stopped at Snow Lake Camp and checked out the sites. Site 1 has…
0.7 mi — 1h 0m
Very nice flat trail where forest and meadow/mineral springs meet (edge environment). Interesting signs about the history and settlement of Longmir…
2.2 mi — 1h 0m
Short hike up to Faraway Rock from the Reflection Lakes parking lot. Great view of the lakes and mountain roads. Trail is a combination of the Wond…
8.8 mi — 5h 30m
Stopped and ate lunch at Dick Lake on the way back. Also stopped off at Hidden Lake, which required crossing two waterfalls. Took the path down to…
3.5 mi — 2h 30m
Out and back from Cougar Rock Campground to Madcap Falls via the Wonderland Trail. Carter Falls was right along the trail, but we couldn't see Madc…
4.9 mi — 2h 27m
First section of Rampart Ridge and then return to Longmire via Wonderland Trail. Some amazing views of Mount Rainier. Trail starts from the Trail o…
0.2 mi — 10m
Short walk with a good view of Rainier. The creek has filled in with many trees since when it was diverted years ago.
2.8 mi — 2h 0m
Lost the trail several times. Finally got to a snow covered field where there was no chance of finding the trail again. Probably diverged onto a mo…
1 mi — 55m
Nice easy walk. Wildflowers weren't quite blooming yet. Found a large concrete pad ~100 ft downhill from the trail.
2 mi — 1h 15m
Mostly snow covered. Did some sledding on one of the hills. Lost the trail, but got close to the vista.