2h 20m
We went on the Rainy Dew Pass Loop - little longer than the orange trail. Great hike, didn't see too many people. More bikers at end where trails merg
6.3 mi — 2h 15m
Ate lunch at end. Trail runs along road, behind houses. Nice by the river.
8 mi
8.4 miles in 6 hours. Awesome hike with incredible views.
10 mi
Beautiful climb up a waterfall. Lots of snow near lake of glass. Awesome hike!
8 mi
Last tenth of mile was scary scramble to the top of the "sister" peak on left. Saw pikes peak in the distance and the keyhole of longs peak.
6 mi
Took a little detour off the trail on accident. Went on the wrong side of a big cliff, ended up climbing higher than needed, and had to back track.