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Sam Park > Gem Favorites List

Anderson Glacier Brinnon, WA
Hoh Rain Forest Forks, WA 56 
Cholla Cactus Garden Twentynine Palms, CA 45 
Cottonwood Spring Oasis Indio, CA 11 
Arch Rock Twentynine Palms, CA 26 
Druid Arch Monticello, UT 12 
Zabriskie Point Badwater, CA 50 
Mesquite Flats Sand Dunes Badwater, CA 50 
Guadalupe Peak Summit (Signal Peak) Pine Springs, TX 35 
Kuwohi (fka Clingmans Dome) Gatlinburg, TN 145 
Pitamakan Pass Rising Sun, MT 14 
Logan Pass Red Rock Point, MT 40 
Triple Divide Peak Rising Sun, MT
Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River Canyon Village, WY 74 
Artist's Point Canyon Village, WY 108 

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