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Trent Caldwell > Gem Favorites List

Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River Canyon Village, WY 74 
Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel Mammoth Hot Springs, WY 23 
Mt. Washburn Fire Tower Canyon Village, WY 19 
Hayden Valley Canyon Village, WY 41 
Lamar Valley Tower Junction, WY 48 
Mammoth Hot Springs Terraces Mammoth Hot Springs, WY 96 
Artist's Point Canyon Village, WY 108 
Nuttallburg Fayetteville, WV
Sandstone Falls Hinton, WV 10 
Long Point Overlook Fayetteville, WV 20 
Desert View Watchtower Grand Canyon, AZ 34 
Inspiration Point Anacapa Island, CA
Hawksbill Mountain Summit Stanley, VA 36 
White Oak Canyon Swimming Hole Stanley, VA 41 
Rapidan Camp Stanley, VA 14 
Bearfence Mountain Stanley, VA 34 
West Lake Mangrove Forest Islamorada, FL
Mahogany Hammock Florida City, FL 10 
The Notch Viewpoint Pine Springs, TX 10 
Siyeh Pass Rising Sun, MT 12 

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