3 mi
Saw some goats and a pretty awesome overlook of Hidden Lake. It started raining on our way back and thunder and lightening!!!
12 mi
MOST AWESOMEST PLACE I HAVE EVER LAID MY EYES UPON. The hike was easy and smooth. Saw 4 moose!! Tons of icebergs floating in the lake
8 mi
Super awesome hike. The water was an amazing blue when the sun hit it.
18 mi
Holy freaking crap this hike is a butt kicker! Most spectacular views I have ever seen. You literally feel like you are on top of the world. Most awe
7 mi
Super busy trail but totally awesome. The water was a perdy greenish blue and lovely waterfalls
3 mi
Super awesome trek to the falls!!! Got right under the falls. Super TBA!!!!!!
18 mi
Extremely TBA!!! Coolest hike we have ever done. Made it down Dawson Pass in record time to catch the 5pm boat. Rained super hard on us on