1.8 mi
Cloudy, knee level river crossing, wet roots, rained when we emerged from the trees. 9 people in the hut. 3:10m total up, 2:10 back.
Hiked up to the saddle from Badger Creek and didn't see a soul, a few fallen trees and spots where overgrowth has blocked the trail but wasn't bad.
3.3 mi
Hiked down, decent grade, very dry. Frequent fallen trees, overgrown bushes requiring scrambling and hiking around obstacles.
Easy going, moderate grade and very dry trail. The spur trail down to Senecal Spring was pretty easy to follow and water was great
6.5 mi
Trail was clear.
4.8 mi — 3h 0m
Snow prevented vehicle access to the Fraizer Turnaround Trailhead but the hike was dry the whole way. Didn't see a soul during the whole trip!