17.3 mi — 21h 0m
Completed the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge with #6, San Gorgonio! 11,503 ft. 17.3 mi. with 5,840 ft. elevation gain. This one was a long one taking 11
11.4 mi — 14h 0m
Conquered peak #5, San Jacinto! 10,834”, 11.4 mi. & 4,698 ft elevation gain. 8 hrs. to summit but well worth it!!! Views incredible, just really to…
16.7 mi — 14h 0m
Made it to the top of Peak #4, San Bernardino Peak, 10,649 ft. Took me 9hrs to get to the top and 5 to get down. But spectacular views going up and at
10.2 mi — 8h 0m
Made it to the 3rd peak! Mt. San Antonio (aka Mt. Baldy) on 9/16. Took 5 hrs to get up and 3 to get back down. 10.2 mi. total distance. 10,064 at the
11.6 mi — 8h 30m
2nd peak done!!! Cucamonga Peak on 8/19. Only took 5 hrs to the top, 8.5 total covered 11.6 mi. The top elevation 8,859 ft.
Get there by 6:00 AM or you park down the mountain.