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Kids will love Fatman's Pass and the natural tunnel; you can choose to visit these and turn around rather than completing the full loop.
This stem-and-loop route from Mormon Trailhead combines some of South Mountain's finest scenery and highlight destinations in one conveniently sized hike. The terrain is full of giant saguaros and fantastic rock formations. Views are plentiful and impressive from the top of the mountain overlooking the city. You can choose to complete the full loop as mapped or make a shorter variation that still visits the Fatman's Pass and Natural Tunnel boulder passages.
Need to Know
There is a small parking lot at the trailhead, but is often full on weekends. You may be able to find street parking, but large areas are marked as no parking. There is a shade gazebo in the parking area, but no bathrooms.
Mormon Trail It's a steady climb with two or three flat areas that provide a nice break if needed. Large boulders, saguaros, and big views make it a fun trail despite the steepness. At the top you'll meet the signed junction with
Mormon Loop Trail. Pass this for now and continue on toward
National Trail.
In a short distance you'll meet the intersection with National. Turn right and follow this trail as it twists farther up the mountain, through a natural garden of boulders and cacti. About half a mile on
National Trail brings you to the junction with
Hidden Valley Trail. Turn here and right away you'll find Fatman's Pass. It's a tight passage between two large boulders, and very fun to squeeze through.
From here, the
Hidden Valley Trail continues through a secluded area that's rich with interesting large rock formations and South Mountain's thriving desert flora. Near this trail's end is another rock passage known as Natural Tunnel, and it's easy to see why. Soon after exploring the tunnel you'll rejoin
National Trail at a junction.
If you are satisfied with your explorations at this point, you can choose to turn left and skip the addition of Mormon Loop. A short distance west on National will bring you back to
Mormon Trail and the return to your car. If you have plenty of energy (and water) for more, then turn right and continue eastward on
National Trail.
This portion of the trail rolls along a ridgeline, trending downhill, and the scenery transitions from large boulder gardens to more open hillsides. Eventually you'll descend into a broad valley and turn left on
Mormon Loop Trail near a dry wash.
Mormon Loop begins a gradual ascent up to the next ridge. The geology and flora are similar to that of
National Trail, but you'll get even more expansive views over the city to the north. The uphill is all over once you reach the junction with
Mormon Trail, and this is where you'll turn to descend through familiar terrain all the way back to the trailhead.
Shared By:
Jesse Weber