Dogs Unknown
Need to Know
Restroom access about .25 miles away from the trail along the main road in the park
This trail has some steep sections, but the terrain is still gentle enough that these sections are manageable. The trail has orange trail markers that include small markers on trees, orange tape, and posts with orange paint. There is a large rocky cliff area just next to the trail on the south edge of the loop as you are going up to the top of the main hill. The trail is narrow but relatively clear, though there are many dead trees along the trail that could impede access in the future. The trail is lower than the highest point to the west, so the sun goes below the ridge earlier than the normal sunset time. There is a fire pit near the beginning of the loop that has benches. The trailhead for this loop is at the far south end of the main road through the park.
Shared By:
Riley Worley