Dogs Leashed
Do not enter segments of the greenway that are under construction. At Mike Driscoll Park there is a low-water crossing. Do not use the crossing when water is flowing in it; the force of the water can sweep you into the bayou.
[The new portion of the
Brays Bayou Greenway to Eldridge began construction upstream and is generally working downstream. Once the entire project is open, this "extension" segment will be merged with the existing trail.]
The completed section begins at Archbishop Fiorenza Park just northwest of the intersection of Eldridge Parkway and Ashford Point Drive. The wide concrete path passes under Eldridge and proceeds downstream along the right bank of Brays Bayou. At Dairy Ashford there is a connection to
Brays' Appendix to the north. This section of the trail to Mike Driscoll Park is entirely separated from roads, passing under both Synott and Dairy Ashford.
At Mike Driscoll Park the trail moves over to the left bank using a low-water crossing then passes under both Houston West Center and the Westpark Tollway before reaching an at-grade crossing at High Star Drive. There are two more at-grade crossings of city streets before an underpass of Wilcrest Drive. The trail then ends, for now, at the
Brays Bayou Connector Trail.
The trail appears complete, with most of the wayfinding and landscape in place. However, if you encounter work please avoid the area for the safety of yourself and the workers.
As of November 2023, work continues downstream of Arthur Storey Park at Beltway 8. Completion of the connection to the existing
Brays Bayou Greenway is anticipated in 2024.
Shared By:
Bryan Dotson