Dogs Leashed
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This route combines three trails into a scenic day hike by traveling cross-country to the base of Six Mile Canyon, progressing up the trail to the
Dead Horse Trail intersection, and looping back via South Canyon. It is a challenging hike due to the primitive nature of the trails and some way-finding is required, but the loop provides wildflowers and lush riparian environments in the canyons combined with views of the ponderosa forest and nearby valley when traversing the interconnecting ridge.
This route starts south on FR505 at the mouth of South Canyon, before leaving the road and crossing the foothills cross-country towards Six Mile Canyon. The cross-country scamble down to the base of Six Mile can be a little tricky but significantly shortens the route. Alternatively, one can follow the road to drop into Six Mile a few miles further east and then rejoin the route.
Six Mile Canyon is a large watershed with a widetrack four wheel drive trail leading up to the forest boundary fence. Thereafter, the trail a primitive singletrack in an increasingly lush canyon. The canyon narrows significantly as you progress, eventually turning into a narrow box canyon at The Box Spring, which typically flows year round. Eventually the canyon widens and side canyons appear on the north face.
Dead Horse Trail follows a rocky was as it rises through one of these side canyons onto the ridgeline. Watch for the trail to climb out to the east side of the watershed. The trail traverses the ridgeline with views of South Canyon and the valley to the east before dropping into South Canyon. The steep nature of this canyon leads to it being cool and moist and relatively dark. One follows South Canyon to the east, returning to the starting point to complete the loop with an increasing view of the grass lands.
Flora & Fauna
Deer are common in both valleys, while antelope herds are commonly seen on the grass lands at the start of the hike. A drinker at the opening to south canyon is a popular water source for wildlife.
Shared By:
Rob Selina