Dogs Leashed
This is a multi use bi-directional trail. Pedestrians may encounter cyclists. This is the main trail that comes back to the main trailhead and that all users will use to travel to neighboring
Sunbridge Hills Conservation Area and loop that trail. Runners and hikers use this trail to travel north from the main trailhead to the start the loop with
Sunbridge Hills Conservation Area. Traveling south from the main trailhead will take trail users to the wide
Crushed Limestone Trail that extends all the way to Huston Wyeth Park. This will also take trail users south to the cross country zone of the park where the bulk of the multi use trails are within River
Bluff Trail Park.
Please, be aware that bike-only downhill (DH) trails branch off of this trail. For everyone's safety, do not use trails marked as DH on foot. Pedestrians may use all multi use cross country trails that are marked as XC.
It is a multi surface trail in that is is graveled in and around the main trailhead and heading south to the
Crushed Limestone Trail. Heading north, the trail becomes a natural surface trail.
Shared By:
E Lee Clark