Dogs Unknown
Open and accessible year-round from Miller Canyon. There are seasonal closures in Carr Canyon in the winter depending on snow conditions.
Clark Spring Trail #124 and Hunter Trail #111 contours along the east slope of the Huachucas, connecting three of the major canyons that cut that side of the mountain range. By doing so, they not only provide alternate access to trails that lead into those canyons, but offer excellent opportunities in their own right for easy day trips along the lower slopes of the mountain range with scenic views of the San Pedro Valley and the mountains beyond.
Need to Know
Please note this trail goes through the Miller Peak Wilderness therefor bicycles will have to follow the
John Cooper Trail #135 that avoids the Wilderness.
The trailhead will be on your left after you see the "Tight Switchbacks next 2 miles" sign. It will climb and descend slightly for a few miles. It has rocks and larger steps down along the way, so be prepared for some rugged trail in places. There are two left turns you'll have to make but they are marked with wooden signs.
This trail contours around the mountain along a slope of granite gravel so loose you'll feel like you're traveling along the side of a huge sand dune. Ponderosa pines, junipers and oaks manage to cling to this steep, unstable slope helping to hold it in place. Good views of the sheer rock face of the Dragoon Mountains will catch your eye here. At Clark Spring there is cool shade, a good view of Carr Canyon and birdwatching worth bringing your binoculars for. The trail then enters Carr Canyon and ends at a trailhead on the Carr Canyon Road. Trail is very well marked; GPS track is an out and back.
Flora & Fauna
Ponderosa pines, junipers, oaks, agave.
Shared By:
Paul Votruba