Dogs Leashed
Commonly Backpacked · Views
Road access to North Slide Trailhead is closed to vehicles in winter.
Need to Know
A permit and bear canister are required for overnight (backpacking) stays in the King Range Wilderness. The permit can be reserved at
From the small parking area at North Slide Trailhead, hike a short way through the trees to manzanita covered slopes. The trail follows a decaying old road (not much more than a bulldozer track) for a mile before shrinking down to proper singletrack. It alternates between forest and brush and sandy, sun baked ridge. The land erodes easily and even the forested areas offer views down gullies that drop faster than they travel as they move water inevitably to the ocean.
Along the way, it passes the Miller Loop Trail about 2 miles from the trailhead and Rattlesnake Ridge Trail shortly after the loop returns. It passes
Lightning Trail just before the final climb to King Peak.
Shared By:
Valerie Norton