Dogs Unknown
Birding · Commonly Backpacked · Views · Wildlife
This trail starts just north of the parking area on Nash Stream Road. Follow the orange blazes. It parallels Slide Brook as it ascends to a massive boulder in the middle of the trail. Here, at the boulder, the trail turns left onto some stone stairs.
The trail becomes more difficult in its ascent, as it climbs over slippery open ledge. It levels out as it approaches the notch and continues past
Old Summer Club Trail (on the right). When you reach
Percy Loop Trail, take a sharp left to climb up to the summit of North Percy Peak. It exits the woods and comes out into the open exposed ledge of the mountain.Use caution on the slippery rock and always check your footing. There are multiple viewpoints at the top.
Flora & Fauna
Flora: Clintonia, Eastern Hemlock, Mountain Ash, Common Wood-Sorrel, White Birch, Bunchberry, Wild Sarsaparilla, Red Spruce, Creeping Snowberry, Blueberries, Fly Honeysuckle, Goldthread, Mountain Holly, Sphagnum Moss, Stair Step Moss, Red Maple, Sheep Laurel, 3-Toothed Avens, Wild Raisin, Reindeer Lichen, Bilberries, Rhodora, Black Crowberry, Black Spruce, Fir.
Fauna: Bluejays, Red Squirrels, Mosquitoes, Toads, Deer Flies, Junco, Porcupine (quills).
Shared By:
David Smith