Dogs Off-leash
Birding · Views · Wildflowers · Wildlife
This is the quintessential loop at Lower Hull's Gulch. It provides a complete hike from an easily accessible parking area for a variety of trail users and four-legged friends. Trail users can expect better views near the high point at the westernmost point of the hike.
Need to Know
Multi-use trails. Note that Lower Hull's Gulch is only open to hiking on even-numbered calendar days. This is according to the new Special Trail Management rules in the Boise foothills. If it is an odd-numbered day then you won't be able to hike the loop as shown because on those days Lower Hull's is only open to downhill mountain bike traffic.
Flora & Fauna
Native grasses, forbs, wildflowers e.g. sagebrush, balsamroot, buckwheat.
Shared By:
Zander Göpfert
with improvements
by Jesse Weber