Dogs Unknown
Cave · Fall Colors · Geological Significance · Historical Significance · Views
Overall not a terribly hard hike and it has lots of interesting stuff to see. For the rock climbers out there, this is the approach trail for possibly the ONLY multi-day "climb" in Korea. The ridgeline traverse of this entire rock monolith is about 30-ish short-pitches and is considered a 2-day climb. I won't get into those details here though, since it is already listed on Mountain Project.
Need to Know
Prices as of FEB 2020.
Parking is 4,000 WON. Park entrance is 3,500 WON. Those should be the only fees to expect.
Parking fills up FAST so get there early.
Plenty of lodging around, including the Seorakdong campground about 15 minute away. Reservations there can be made at:…
There are many Cafes and Restaurants at the park entrance, so just bring some snacks and you can eat before and after.
This is a very well-marked and maintained trail out to a unique rock formation in Seoraksan National Park. This ridge-monolith is very narrow and provides views into the interior of Seoraksan to the west and Sokcho and the ocean to the east.
It is so well marked, I won't take your time for a turn-by-turn here.
Even in winter, when I did this, there are very few complications/considerations. There isn't much water available at all, that might be the only thing to worry about Otherwise, I was up there with people in tennis shoes and regular old street clothes (they were pretty cold looking and desperately clutching the handrails on the icy steps).
On the way up there is a very cool Buddhist hermitage with a temple inside a cave. Great place to take a rest and look around.
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Nate D