Dogs Unknown
Need to Know
The top two thirds of the trail is marked with yellow blazing.
Leave Hrabrino on the trail/road parallel to the river which quickly changes to dirt. After 400m you'll come to a river crossing, follow the grass track and stay to the right at the fork. About 900 m into the hike, take the singletrack trail to the left that climbs steeply up hill. The trail climbs steeply through a mix of forest and meadows. As you climb, beautiful views of the Rhodope mountains will surround you.
At the 3km mark, the trail will get a little bit more manageable for about 500m before climbing steeply again. Now you are deep in the forest and the views are over, enjoy the groves of pines and birch trees. At 5 km, the climbing is pretty much over with a few ups in down there remains a 1.5 km hike through the forest, arriving just below Hizha Zdravets.
Shared By:
Jonathan Salibra