Dogs Leashed
Geological Significance
This trail is one of the main trails in Black Rock State Park and is blazed, as the name suggests, red. Though the trail is rough in a few places, it is pretty well blazed throughout.
After a short stint on the
Mattatuck Trail, Red trail splits off to the north. Immediately the trail begins to climb and continues to do so throughout its run though there are places where it briefly levels out. The terrain alternates between sandy gravel and softer soil. Despite not being a long trail or traveling very deep into the woods, there is a feeling of seclusion soon after embarking on this trail. This continues all the way until you pass under a powerline corridor about three-quarters of the way in. While this area is a little deforested because of the aforementioned powerlines, there are some fairly large and impressive boulders in this area. After passing under the powerlines the trail turns to the left and parallels a utility road for the rest of its duration. Finally, the trail reunites with the
Mattatuck Trail.
Shared By:
Patrick Neary
with improvements
by Daniel McCloskey