Dogs Leashed
Birding · Geological Significance · Views · Wildlife
A lightly trafficked trail offering solitude and canyon views with chances to see wildlife.
Need to Know
Not recommended to hike in the summer due to full exposure to the sun.
From the Woods Canyon Trailhead, you can access this trail near the Red Rock Ranger District Visitor Center on SR 179. At 1.25 miles, a trail sign marks the junction where Hot Loop branches off from Woods Canyon Trail, which continues up Woods Canyon. Once the Hot Loop trail reaches the top of Horse Mesa it meanders across the broad, flat plain to a panoramic overlook of the eastern limits of the Sedona red rocks (4 miles from the trailhead).
From here you can see a number of landmarks including Bell Rock, Courthouse Butte, and west to Sycamore Pass. The trail continues across the mesa top to equally impressive views of Woods Canyon. The trail ascends to the top of Jacks Point and across the rim and eventually ties into the Jacks Canyon Trail where you can opt to loop back around on Jacks Canyon or turn around and come back the way you came.
Flora & Fauna
Coyote, Deer, Elk, Bear, Mountain Lion.
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Hiking Project Staff