Dogs No Dogs
Birding · Lake
Absolutely beautiful and spectacular, this trail meanders and rolls through typical eastern hardwoods and around the reservoir. The trail is very easy to follow and is well marked with a couple of other trails interconnecting to reach down to the water or to go a bit higher, but they all reconvene at this main trail.
Need to Know
The trails are connected well enough that it's easy to get back on track if you get off on the wrong loop.
It is impeccably maintained, and when I did it there was steady rain and I was very impressed with how well it drained. There is about 1,000 feet in elevation gain over the course of the hike, but it is fairly gentle the whole way, with the exception of a steep but brief climb in the beginning.
Flora & Fauna
Wooden bears and a pair of turtles.
Shared By:
Jay Smith
with improvements
by Jason Doedderlein
and 1 other
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