Dogs Unknown
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Need to Know
No restroom or water. Watch for poison oak.
Head west on B Street from downtown Grants Pass. After winding through some residential areas, take a left on NW Crescent Drive. Shortly after this turn, you'll come upon a parking lot to your left. The trailhead is directly across the street and well marked.
The trail starts off with a gentle climb as it takes you through some beautiful oak forests. About half a mile in, there will be a fork in the trail. Hiking to the left will take you up some very steep and potentially slippery inclines, while taking the right fork will loop you around the majority of this section by way of a few switchbacks.
The trail continues through oak and manzanita, providing excellent views of Grants Pass to the east and south/southwest. The Rogue River is visible from some parts, and there are short lookout spurs.
At the top of Dollar Mountain (1.1 miles) sits a radio tower, making it not the most desirable destination, but well worth it for the exercise and views. Either return the way you came, or continue along the road from behind the radio tower, which will eventually leave to a paved road. Turn right to follow this road back to Crescent Drive where you'll turn right again to get back to your car.
Flora & Fauna
White oak, manzanita, and madrone forests.
Shared By:
Mist Houghton
with improvements
by Miracle Pie
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