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Through the woods to an open, scenic high ridge hike, and back down again.

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Point to Point

2,418' 737 m


1,585' 483 m


1,100' 335 m


970' 296 m



Avg Grade (4°)


Max Grade (13°)

Dogs Leashed

Features Fall Colors · Views · Wildflowers · Wildlife

Open 8am to sunset.


Dutch Flat Trail starts at a well marked trailhead opposite the Grant Equestrian Campground along a park road. It is a wide dirt path that begins by climbing through the woods. This climb continues for about 1.25 miles. passing Dairy Trail (0.6 mile mark) and Heron Trail (0.7 mile mark) along the way. As the trail climbs the woods thin and low brush replaces trees. Climbing higher, the brush gives way to grass dotted with trees, primarily oaks. As the trees thin, the grassy, tree studded Diablo Range hills with Mt. Hamilton, 4,265 ft., come into view to the northeast.

At about the 1.25 mile mark, Dutch Flat Trail reaches a grassy ridge top. Veering left here, doing short climbs and descents, the trail follows this ridge top southeast, for the next 1.75 miles. There are awesome views in all directions along the ridge. To the left/northeast, is the broad San Felipe Creek Valley with the Diablo Range and Mt. Hamilton on its far side. To the north, in the valley, is Grant Lake. Below, to the right/southwest, is the Santa Clara Valley and entire South Bay Area. Hoover Tower at Stanford University can be see, along with San Jose, Mountain View, Palo Alto and other towns up the Peninsula. Across the Santa Clara Valley are the Santa Cruz Mountains, with Loma Prieta, 3,790 ft., clearly visible as the highest Santa Cruz Mountain.

At about the 3.0 mile mark, Dutch Flat Trail begins descending from the ridge. As the trail drops, more and larger trees slowly surround it, and a couple small ponds are passed. At the 4.4 mile mark, now in the woods, the trail flattens out and veers left. A small seasonal creek is crossed and Dutch Flat Trail reaches Canada de Pala Trail on the right. Continuing straight at this trail junction, Dutch Flat Trail is faint as it comes out of the woods into a large grassy meadow. Following this faint trail, very soon a signpost appears ahead in the distance. Continue on to this signpost where Dutch Flat Trail ends at Brush Trail.

Flora & Fauna

Grass hills that are green in the spring, golden in summer and fall. Stands of oak trees and wooded sections. Deer.


Land Manager: Santa Clara County Parks

Shared By:

Juan Daniel L S with improvements by Joan Pendleton

Trail Ratings

  4.0 from 2 votes


  4.0 from 2 votes
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in California


4 Views Last Month
514 Since Sep 30, 2018
Intermediate Intermediate



Snow capped Mt. Hamilton, 4,265 ft., along a high ridge of the Diablo Range. In the spring the grass hills turn green and bright orange California Poppies, the state flower, appear everywhere.  Looking northeast from high on Dutch Flat Trail.
Mar 28, 2020 near Alum Rock, CA
Mt. Hamilton, 4,265 ft., with a dusting of snow and Lick Observatory on its summit, is seen to the northeast from high on Dutch Flat Trail.
Mar 28, 2020 near Seven T…, CA
Grant Lake, nestled in the Diablo Range hills, is seen in the distance below, to the north, from high on Dutch Flat Trail.
Mar 28, 2020 near Alum Rock, CA
The Santa Cruz Mountains are seen in the distance to the southwest (right) from the high ridge walk of Dutch Flat Trail. Loma Prieta, 3,790 ft. is the tallest Santa Cruz Mountain, in the distance at the right. Santa Clara Valley spreads out below (right).
Mar 28, 2020 near Seven T…, CA
A beautiful big old, mossy tree, in the shade near the start of Heron Trail.
Apr 9, 2020 near Alum Rock, CA
The large grassy meadow of Joseph D. Grant County Park, where Dutch Flat Trail ends.
Mar 28, 2020 near Seven T…, CA



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Mar 27, 2020
Joan Pendleton
Sep 29, 2018
Juan Daniel L S

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