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14,416' 4,394 m


10,527' 3,209 m


3,888' 1,185 m


0' 0 m



Avg Grade (9°)


Max Grade (21°)

Dogs Leashed

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There are two trailheads from which you can access the South Mt Elbert Trail. The lower trailhead is accessed via paved road and should be reachable by all vehicles. The upper TH requires a 4WD vehicle with high clearance, but cuts four miles off of the round trip distance to the summit. Rather confusingly, based on the signs, they are both called "South Elbert Trailhead."

From US Hwy 24 between Leadville and Buena Vista head west on Colorado State Hwy 82 as if going to Independence Pass. After about four miles, turn right on County Rd 24 as if going to Lakeview Campground. Continue past the campground for a total of about 5.3 miles to arrive at the lower South Mount Elbert Trailhead. If proceeding on foot from this location you can either use the Colorado Trail, or Forest Rd 125.B. The road is about a half mile shorter and branches off from CR 24 about 50 feet further along CR 24. If you don't have a 4WD high clearance vehicle, but want to save a little walking, you can proceed up FR 125.B for about 1 mile before it really gets difficult and park in one of the many informal dispersed camping sites along the road.

After 1.5 miles on FR 125.B there is a ford (stream crossing). When we were there in August 2023 it was only about eight inches deep. If your vehicle has made it this far, you shouldn't have a problem with this ford. To cross on foot there are some logs laid across the stream to the right (up stream).

After about 2 miles you'll come to the upper TH. If arriving via vehicle, after parking, proceed on foot back to FR 125.B and continue west for about 140 feet on Forest Road 125.C (just a continuation of FR 125.B) to the junction with the Colorado Trail. The trail that used to leave directly from the north end of the TH parking is now closed. Turn right (NNW) on the Colorado Trail. Continue for about ½ mile (avoiding the Lily Pond Trail) until the South Mt Elbert Trail splits from the Colorado Trail and heads NNW. From this point the distance to the summit is five miles.

From the upper TH the distance to the summit is 5.5 miles and from the lower TH the distance to the summit is 7.5 miles (assuming one takes the FR 125.B from the lower TH to the upper TH).


Shared By:

Tyler Vaughan with improvements by Keith Rash and 1 other

Trail Ratings

  4.8 from 18 votes


in Twin Lakes


  4.8 from 18 votes
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1 Star
Trail Rankings


in Twin Lakes


in Colorado


2 Views Last Month
4,061 Since Aug 24, 2018
Intermediate/Difficult Intermediate/Difficult



Panorama of summit.
Jul 10, 2016 near Leadvil…, CO
Summit view, Mt Elbert Colorado
Feb 16, 2015 near Leadvil…, CO
Top of Mount Elbert Looking at Mount Massive
Aug 16, 2017 near Leadvil…, CO
Awesome climb with friends!
Sep 14, 2018 near Leadvil…, CO
Gorgeous day on summit
Aug 30, 2017 near Leadvil…, CO


Current Trail Conditions

Add Your Check-In


Jul 27, 2022
Valerie Norton
Route down: https://valhikes.blogspot.com/2022/07/mount-elbert.html
Apr 1, 2022
Ryan Bowman
Started about 1.2mi from the actual trailhead as the snow was too deep even for 4WD vehicles. Bailed on the summit around the first saddle. 8mi
Jan 22, 2022
Brian Baker
Parking at South lot. Trail is broken in through snow all the way to the summit. Snowshoes and spikes recommended.
Nov 18, 2021
John Imbrie
A fair amount of snow on the trail but I never had to deploy my spikes 12mi — 9h 15m
Sep 5, 2021
Tina S
Owen and Eliana's first 14er!
Aug 24, 2021
Matt Hage
Family hike up Mount Elbert. Our 5 yo son's first 14'er. Great trail! 11mi — 8h 00m
Aug 23, 2021
Matthew Webb
Jul 19, 2021
Lynn Lester
Sharing this hike with Emma & Hannah experiencing gratitude and joy 11.5mi — 5h 10m

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