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Commonly Backpacked · River/Creek · Views
There is a small parking area on the side of the narrow forest road at the trailhead for this route. There are nice views from the trailhead itself to
Piton des Neiges, Le Cimendef, and down into Cirque de Mafate. Sentier Scout follows the Mafate-encircling trail
GRR3 Tour du Cirque de Mafate it's whole length. It's in great condition.
The trail begins dropping slowly at first in a thick forest. But the steep cliff-sides mean that you'll have occasional views through the trees. Perhaps the best part of the trail is about a mile in: you'll ascend some stairs carved into the cliff and then pass over a narrow ridge with 360 degree views. After this there will be a section without views that is relatively flat. After that you'll begin descending quickly along switchbacks. At most bends you'll be greeted with excellent views over Mafate, to the ramparts, Saint Denis, Dos d'Ane, and of course Piton Cabris. Eventually you'll come to the
GRR2 at Le Plaque.
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Karl W