Dogs No Dogs
Birding · River/Creek · Spring · Views · Wildflowers · Wildlife
Discover Pass is required.
Starting at the St. Georges Trailhead, begin up the trail. The 0.3 miles is pretty tough, but it levels out after that for a bit. Don't worry about the sign that says "Leaving State Park" as you very briefly go onto St. Georges property. Stay on the trail, and you'll be just fine, as the state park's property picks back up after you go down a pretty steep hill.
You'll pass a white gate with a sign saying you're back on state park land. Shortly after this, the trail come to a Y. Stay to the right or you end up on private property (it will loop back to the trail, but it's best to just stay on the proper trail). The trail will continue through a ravine area, and then you'll go up and down along the river until you get to Rutter Parkway where you can turn around and head back the way you came.
If you want to explore more trails, you can cross Rutter Parkway and do the
Indian Painted Rocks and
Knothead Trail loop turning the trip into a 13-mile adventure.
Flora & Fauna
Turkeys and deer are primarily seen here along with various plants and flowers.
Shared By:
Danielle Milton
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