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This is a ridge trail that runs the length of the park with access to many other trails and great views.

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Point to Point

1,200' 366 m


915' 279 m


621' 189 m


440' 134 m



Avg Grade (2°)


Max Grade (9°)

Dogs Leashed

Features Birding · Lake · Views · Wildflowers · Wildlife

Open 8 a.m. to sunset.


Coyote Ridge Trail runs along Coyote Ridge. Many of the park's trails can be accessed at trail junctions along Coyote Ridge Trail. Coyote Ridge forms the west side of the valley that holds Coyote Lake.

The Coyote Ridge Trail start is found from the parking area at the Mendoza Ranch Entrance to Coyote Lake - Harvey Bear Ranch County Park on Roop Road. From here take the Access Trail to its trail junction with Coyote Ridge Trail and Mendoza Trail. Go right here onto Coyote Ridge Trail.

For it first 1.1 miles, Coyote Ridge Trail runs through grass meadows on the east side of Coyote Ridge. Trees, mostly oaks, border these meadows. Mummy Mountain, part of Coyote Ridge, rises to the left of the trail. Coyote Lake is to the right, below the trail, but hidden. However, Palassou Ridge on the far side of Coyote Lake can be seen.

At the 1.1 mile mark, Coyote Ridge Trail reaches a saddle in Coyote Ridge at the north end of Mummy Mountain. A series of trail junctions are here—Mendoza Trail, Campground Trail, and finally Gaviota Trail. Views to the west open up, as Santa Clara Valley below and the Santa Cruz Mountains can be seen from this saddle.

After passing Gaviota Trail, Coyote Ridge Trail continues through grass meadows with stands of oaks. Coyote Lake can now be seen below, to the right. The trail is still on the east side of the ridge but very close to the ridge top now, providing occasional views of Santa Clara Valley and the Santa Cruz Mountains to the west.

Calaveras Trail and Rancho San Ysidro Trail are reached, at the 2.4 and 2.5 mile marks, respectively, Continuing on the Coyote Lake (east) side of the ridge, Coyote Ridge Trail comes to a trail junction with Willow Springs Trail at the 3.05 mile mark. This section of Coyote Ridge Trail goes through thin sunlit woods, with Coyote Lake views below.

After passing Willow Springs Trail, Coyote Ridge Trail climbs to the ridge crest and expansive views of rural southern Santa Clara Valley with the Santa Cruz Mountains in the distance, appear to the west. The trail continues across the ridge crest, the views of Coyote Lake disappear, and the trees are much sparser on this western side of the ridge. Dropping slightly below the ridge top, the trail heads north through the grass hills on the western side of the ridge top for its last 1.1 miles. Enjoy the views of rural Santa Clara Valley and the distant Santa Cruz Mountains on this stretch of the trail.

Coyote Ridge Trail ends after 4.7 miles, at Harvey Bear Trail.

Flora & Fauna

Deer. Grass and wooded hills. A large variety of wildflowers in the spring. Birds, wild turkeys, and soaring hawks.


Land Manager: Santa Clara County Parks

Shared By:

Joan Pendleton

Trail Ratings

  4.0 from 1 vote


  4.0 from 1 vote
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in California


4 Views Last Month
392 Since Apr 13, 2018
Intermediate Intermediate



Coyote Lake and the hills east of the lake are seen from high on Coyote Ridge Trail.
Apr 7, 2018 near San Martin, CA
Rural southern Santa Clara Valley stretches as far as the eye can see, to the south, as seen from Coyote Ridge Trail. The Santa Cruz Mountains rise in the distance on the right.
Apr 7, 2018 near San Martin, CA
Coyote Ridge Trail meanders through a grass meadow with Palassou Ridge in the distance. Palassou Ridge forms the east side of the valley that holds Coyote Lake.
Apr 13, 2018 near San Martin, CA
Ithuriel's Spear along Coyote Ridge Trail
Apr 14, 2018 near San Martin, CA
Coyote Lake comes into view at the high point of Willow Springs Trail.
Apr 8, 2018 near San Martin, CA
A hawk(?) sores above the springtime grass hills dotted with bright yellow mustard, along Harvey Bear Trail.
Apr 8, 2018 near San Martin, CA


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Apr 7, 2018
Joan Pendleton
March 2025

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