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Parking, as well as the trailhead, are on the side of US 22. Care must be taken, due to the fact that the trailhead is to the east of the parking area, and hiking near the road for a short distance is required.
At the trailhead, signs describe the rules, trail, and history of the trail. According to the display, the steps were built in the 1930's for miners as they made their way to the Ledge Quarry, a sandstone mine.
The steps start almost immediately and lead up the mountain. The trail is a tough 0.5 miles, but pull-offs are present for the occasional break. The steps are numbered every 100 so progress can be measured; each 100 is a worthy accomplishment! The usual fauna and flora of the area surround the trail, and it is a very enjoyable experience (one may not think so on the way up, but look around on the return trip!).
Once the top step is achieved (step 1037 to be exact), a well-deserved rest is in order. If the quaking legs allow, a right (south) at the top of the steps is the
Mount Union View Trail, and a left is the
Standing Stone Trail-State Game Land 112 Segment. Return to the parking area on the same trail. Be careful on the way down; the steps are often slippery in the winter as they may be snow and ice covered.
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Cascade Mts