Dogs Unknown
This is a favorite of many of the locals. It attracts many because of parking at the start, very little climbing (it is actually slightly downhill) and great views of the Salamanca Conglomerate falling off the plateau in large chunks.
The trail is called the Rim Trail because it is situated at the edge of the plateau formed by the erosion resistant conglomerate bedrock. The shale underneath is not so solid, so as it erodes underneath it, large house size boulders break off and lean down the hill. While is most dramatic at Little Rock City down the road, this trail gives you a continuous view of the process while enjoying the hike.
The trail starts at the State Forest sign on Little Rock City Road. There is some limited parking there and a WNYMBA kiosk. The first 30 feet belie the flatness of the trail as it follows an old skid trail up the conglomerate bedrock to the plateau. This is very short. Once at the top, you go just a bit more to a campsite, and then make a sharp right onto the singletrack. This first section is rocky but (or "therefore") very fun. Soon you reach the rim itself. A short spur lets you hike out onto the top of one of the boulders if you are interested.
Once the trail hangs a left at the rim, it just swoops along for more than a mile, providing great views of the rocks on your right. To the extent possible, the trail follows the edge of the rocks, so in some places be careful you don't fall off.
The trail ends at Eckert Forest Rd. Across it is the start of Bent Rim trail.
Shared By:
Jon Sundquist