Dogs Unknown
Hike or shuttle up to the 110 trailhead.
Connector trails include
Race Track,
Dead Bird, and Double Rainbow. The Little Rainbow also crosses County Road 108 which is a good bail out point if anyone is worn out.
The trail weaves in and out of drainages through desert piñon trees and yucca.
Little Rainbow is a favorite of hikers of all abilities. You can either take it easy or push yourself, either way it's an enjoyable trail.
Locals will often hike from town up 110, then head East on the Little Rainbow, and then down Lost,
Dead Bird, or
Race Track. All three lead down to the "Burmac trailhead" where you can meet your shuttle car if shuttling. To loop back to downtown Salida, head East along Highway 50 (there is an established trail on the side of the highway) to 102, cross the bridge over the Arkansas and take a left at the black rocked road that follows the railroad tracks northward to the F street bridge.
If you are after a good workout, do the trail in reverse.
The Little Rainbow can be a fun way to end a hike for hikers taking the Rainbow Trail - Methodist section. Look for Sand Gulch and the Double Rainbow (otherwise known as the Little Rainbow Extension) or County Road 108 as options to get down from the Methodist section of the Rainbow Trail.
Be aware that is is a multi-use trail and is frequented by many other trail users, such as mountain bikers and horseback riders. Stay alert while on the trail to ensure your safety and the safety of others.
Shared By:
Josh Jones