Dogs Unknown
This is an excellent out-and-back hike when time is limited.
Blue River Trail begins at the first major curve in
Boreas Pass Road, but can also be accessed from the Little Mountain Trails (
Southside Trail,
Illinois Creek Trail) from the Stephen C. West Ice Arena
Boreas Pass Road to Illinois Creek, the trail is mellow. Just after passing
Illinois Creek Trail and crossing a boardwalk, the Blue River Trail begins to climb a recently realigned trail section before leveling off.
After passing a small, sometimes dry pond, the trail continues to climb at an agreeable gradient for about a mile. The trail tops out 300' from paved Indiana Creek Road. Descend to the road, turn right (west) and look for the trail continuation about 200' downhill on the opposite side of the road.
Descend singletrack to a right bend and continue along Indiana Creek to another paved road: Spruce Valley Drive. Turn left and look for the trail continuation just past the creek, left of the road, up an embankment.
The trail climbs steeply for a few hundred feet, then rolls for about 1/2 mile before reaching a flume. The trail follows the flume and ends at Blue River Road.
Turn around and descend back to town.
Shared By:
Christiane Reetz