Dogs Unknown
I found the Texas flight 655 crash from 1973. Park at trailhead. Look for a double oak tree 10' to the right of the trail. The marked tree is about 0.75 mile after the first main pond. Once you make a hard left turn by a low hanging large limb, you'll only have .08 mile to get to the tree. The crash is about 500' down the north side of the mountain. If you go off-trail to get to the site, use caution as it is VERY steep.
This trail is not fun after spring. I'd wear pants regardless because if the briars. The trail itself is almost 6 miles to the summit which takes me about 3 hours. You'll lose the trail the last 2 miles, but if you stay towards the north side of the ridge (within about 50 yards), that's the best option I've found, then you can make your way back to the ridge as needed. The plane is about the halfway point just before the "big curve" on the trail map, NE side. Plane GPS coordinates, if Apple Maps is correct: Latitude 34.7101 Longitude -94.3350. Crash elevation 2000'.
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Brandon Pier
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