Dogs Leashed
Family Friendly
Interpretive signs are very informative for all ages.
This is an easy hike that meanders a bit more than any of the other trails in the park. It is also the most diverse in what you'll see.
The trail itself ranges from an easy foot path with a pine needle bed to then passing through swamps and bogs via well-crafted wood boardwalks with great views of the Bald Cypress and Spanish Moss. The trail is a loop hike of about 1.8 miles. If you only have time for one hike in the park, this should be the one!
Flora & Fauna
The Bald Cypress Tree thrives in this environment. The Bald Cypress is a conifer that drops needle-like leaves early in the fall season. This is where it gets that name. But what I found to be the most interesting are the "knees" of the tree. The technical name for these is "pneumatophore." When I first saw these "knees" I thought they were the remains of dead trees that had long fallen into the swamp and the trunk eroded. They are actually branches that grow out from the root system of the tree and grow up out of the mud and water. From what I understand, the "knees" provide oxygen to the roots. So what looks like dead trees at first glance, actually plays an important part in the survival the the Bald Cypress.
Shared By:
John Maurizi