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Fall Colors · River/Creek · Views
This route takes you through a variety of trail types to reach a gorgeous overlook of Virginia's Great North Mountains. The hike has a number of small streams, few hikers, and a beautiful combination of terrains. The last and most important trail of the hike is rather hard to find. It is only marked by two small cairns, so don't expect signage. Be on the lookout for these cairns when making that final turn to the last trail.
From the trailhead, follow the
Wilson Cove Trail to the pink-blazed
Old Mailpath. Continue on the
Old Mailpath until you find the orange-blazed Racer Camp Hollow Trail, where you'll want to turn right. After a couple of miles, you'll find a large intersection of trails where you'll turn left onto the blue-blazed
Tuscarora Trail - Three Ponds Trail.
After 1.4 miles, you'll make it to the ridge that finally takes you to the white-blazed
White Rocks Lookout Trail on the right. There is no signage at this intersection, so look for those several small cairns mentioned before. At the end of this trail, you'll have made it to the overlook – Enjoy the view!
When you're ready to head home, follow the trail back out to the
Tuscarora Trail - Three Ponds Trail, make a right, and continue on trail until you reach the junction with the
Old Mailpath.
Follow the pink-blazed
Old Mailpath through dense hardwood forest to the junction with the Racer Camp Hollow Trail from before. Continue north at the junction, eventually reaching the
Wilson Cove Trail and a quick westerly jaunt to the parking area.
Flora & Fauna
Visit this area in the autumn to see it erupt in fiery fall color.
Shared By:
Julien Naegeli