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A longer loop in this spectacular area allows hikers to take in the highlights without the crowds.

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6,588' 2,008 m


6,291' 1,918 m


414' 126 m


414' 126 m



Avg Grade (2°)


Max Grade (10°)

Dogs Leashed

Features Fall Colors · Views

Family Friendly With incredible variety of trail and many options to shorten/extend your route, this loop will delight visitors young and old!

Park hours:
May 1- October 31: 5am - 11pm
November 1 - April 30: 5am - 9pm


It is very easy to customize a loop of any distance you might want to undertake in Garden of the Gods. With many trail options to choose from, you can change the route to suit your needs, while exploring a (somewhat) less-crowded area of the park. No matter which route you choose, you'll still be afforded views of the various famous rock formations along the way. The combination of vibrant red rock, beautiful trail, and scenic stopping points make this a lovely loop in the Colorado Springs area.


Starting at the main parking lot, cross the road and hop on the Palmer Trail. You can go clockwise or counter- clockwise, the hills and obstacles will be fairly similar in difficulty in whichever direction you choose. This route begins by following the Palmer Trail as it meanders first west and then south. You'll enjoy the well-maintained trail as it brings you ever closer to the Three Graces formation, and the Giant Footprints shortly after.

Continue south, taking in the views until the Scotsman Formation comes into view. Here, you'll cross the road to head towards the Scotsman Trail, and the rock formation of the same name. There's also a picnic area in the vicinity with restrooms available in the summer months. Keep right/south at a fork in the trail, and you'll soon pass Hamp Hut. Owned by the Girl Scouts of Colorado, the hut is a fun stopping point where you may catch a glimpse of Girl Scouts practicing their camping skills. Continue on the Hamp Trail, and the Eastern Hamp Trail to continue the tour of the park.

You'll make a right onto the Buckskin Charley Trail, which leads visitors on a winding route among open pine stands, and through meadows before crossing Juniper Way Loop to connect with the Niobrara Trail. The Niobrara Trail defines the Southeastern boundary of the park, providing hikers with some spectacular views of the prominent rock features that lay to the north. Eventually, this trail will turn to the north, to start the journey back to your vehicle. Please be aware the mountain bikes are permitted on this section of trail.

As you continue north, you'll be afforded incredible views of the Sleeping Giant, Gray Rock, and the Cathedral Spires. The trail is quite gentle, providing you with plenty of time to look up nd admire the view. Eventually, you'll take a short connector trail to the Ute Trail to continue heading north. At this point, most of the rock formations that you were admiring from afar have transitioned into the foreground, and you'll likely be glued to the western views in this portion of trail!

As you continue on, you'll eventually cross Gateway Road, where you'll catch the Susan G. Bretag Trail. From here, almost all of the most famous rock formations can be seen to the west, including the White Rock with Signature Rock behind it, as well as the Kissing Camels, and North Gateway Rock. Since you'll be nearing the parking area that you started from, there will likely be more visitors in this section. Luckily, the red rock formations, open prairie, and blue Colorado sky provide ample scenery for all. Eventually the Susan G. Bretag Trail transitions to the Palmer Trail, which you'll only follow for a short while to return to the parking area.

There are many opportunities to cross the road into the main paved trails of the park if you need to bail for whatever reason. Most of the trails in the park are very well marked and maintained, but some trails in this area can become a little obscure and less traveled. If you do get lost, however, the main rock formations are pretty much always visible, so just find a trail that goes toward them, and you'll find your way back to the parking lot.


Shared By:

Mikhaila Redovian with improvements by Kelley Harper

Trail Ratings

  4.2 from 62 votes


  4.2 from 62 votes
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in Colorado


64 Views Last Month
13,729 Since Oct 13, 2016
Easy/Intermediate Easy/Intermediate



Garden of the Gods is magical, the best time is at sunset!
Aug 28, 2016 near Manitou…, CO
Garden of the Gods
Jan 11, 2019 near Manitou…, CO
The view from the beginning of the loop.
Aug 27, 2017 near Manitou…, CO
Heading south alongside some beautiful rock formations
Dec 12, 2017 near Manitou…, CO
The Front Range of the Rocky Mountains as seen from Palmer Trail.
Aug 27, 2017 near Manitou…, CO
Great ridgeline singletrack with views of the Garden of the Gods
Sep 28, 2018 near Manitou…, CO


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All Clear 16 days ago
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Sep 20, 2024
Rochelle Chandler
Garden of the gods before leaving Colorado to head home — 1h 21m
Jul 9, 2024
Dorothy Krebill
Oct 7, 2023
Abby Settle
Aug 21, 2023
Hub Wyk
3.9mi — 1h 38m
Apr 29, 2023
Jessica Farlee
Sep 11, 2022
Emily Z
Aug 7, 2022
Chris Ferrone
Aug 7, 2022
Johnny Addison
March 2025

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