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Avoid wide parts when wet.
The western (university owned) and southern part of this trail are singletrack, steep in places, overgrown in places, and most suitable for foot traffic, esp. for angling. The northern and eastern parts overlap with wide, sometimes muddy, trails, which are best used during drier weather, but suitable for many types of uses out there.
While many locals start at Matanuska Lake and only use the northern portion of the trail, people from Kepler Park may hike there using the
Kepler Connector, which forms the east boundary.
Note: The lake is called Victor Lake here to avoid confusion with Triangle Lake in Anchorage. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game stocks both of them, so we generally use the Victor Lake name here. On some zoomable maps, you'll see the name change from Triangle Lake when zoomed out (from USGS maps) to Victor Lake when zoomed in (from local maps).
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