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The Outer Banks: Cedar Island Ferry to Jockey's Ridge State Park

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58' 18 m


-23' -7 m


377' 115 m


320' 97 m



Avg Grade (0°)


Max Grade (3°)

Dogs Unknown

Features Swimming · Views · Wildlife

The Outer Banks are important nesting habitat for several rare and endangered bird species. To protect those species, the beaches may be closed seasonally in spots. The scope and distance of these closings, and whether they are for hikers or only vehicles, vary. We recommend checking this National Park Service website for information about beach closings.

Section Of

Need to Know

Camping on the beach is prohibited throughout this segment of the MST. Please camp only in legal campgrounds.

Hunting is allowed on Ocracoke Island; however, hunting on the beach is extremely rare. Otherwise, the trail is not on any land that is open for hunting in this segment.

As of 2018, the one-way ferry fare between Cedar Island and Ocracoke Island is $15.00 for cars, $3.00 for bicycles and $1.00 for hikers. The Ocracoke-Hatteras ferry is free. Reservations are highly recommended in the summer. Ferry schedules and reservations are available online or by phone (1-800-By-Ferry), and schedules are posted at the terminals.

Dogs are prohibited in Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge west of NC 12. Elsewhere on this segment, dogs are allowed but must be on a leash no longer than 6 feet. In addition, even dogs on leashes can disturb shorebirds, so please do not take dogs on the beach when birds are present.


This hike covers Segment 18 of North Carolina's 1,175-mile Mountains-to-Sea Trail. From the secluded beaches of Ocracoke Island to the tourist bustle of Nags Head, it captures the many aspects of North Carolina's easternmost parts. These barrier islands, or "banks," are rich with history, wildlife and scenery. They are also the site of some of the most extreme weather in the country. Situated as it is—far out in the ocean, where two major ocean currents collide—the region has earned its nickname, "The Graveyard of the Atlantic."

Highlights include:

  • Ocracoke Village, a quaint and quiet town at the western end of the segment
  • Cape Hatteras National Seashore, encompassing the beaches for nearly the entire segment
  • The Ocracoke pony pens, which hold the descendants of a horse herd that once roamed on the island
  • The Graveyard of the Atlantic Museum, which tells the story of the over 2,000 shipwrecks off the coast of North Carolina
  • The Open Ponds Trail, a sandy track through maritime forest near Buxton Woods
  • Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, at 208 feet the tallest brick lighthouse in North America and the most recognized symbol of the Outer Banks; it is open for climbing in the summer
  • The historic Chicamacomico Life-Saving Station, the original site of the forerunners to the U.S. Coast Guard, which is now a museum
  • Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge, a renowned haven for waterfowl, especially in the winter
  • The historic Oregon Inlet Life-Saving Station
  • Jennette's Pier in Nags Head, a 1,000-foot fishing pier that is now part of the North Carolina Aquarium
  • Jockey's Ridge State Park, the largest and highest dune complex in the eastern United States

    The western end of this segment is at the Cedar Island Ferry Terminal and the eastern end is at the highest point on the dunes at Jockey's Ridge State Park. The segment includes 82.2 miles of trail plus two ferry rides; the listed mileage includes the ferry rides and thus is greater than the actual hiking mileage.

    There are MST blazes—a 3-inch white circle—on the trail in Jockey's Ridge State Park and a few places in the Buxton Woods area. In addition, there are a few blazes along the beach portions of the trail, mainly at the dune line where the trail leaves the beach; however, these are often destroyed by storms, so they should not be relied upon. Finally, there are mileposts on the Open Ponds Trail in the Buxton Woods area and every 0.5 mile on the beach on Ocracoke Island.

    For more information, including camping, lodging, parking, shuttles and resupply information, as well as detailed, turn-by-turn directions, download a trail guide from the Friends of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail.

Flora & Fauna

This segment passes through several well-known and important birding areas, including National Wildlife Refuges and National Seashores. The area is home, especially in winter, to numerous species of waterfowl, including large concentrations of snow geese and tundra swans.


Shared By:

Jim Grode

Trail Ratings

  3.7 from 3 votes


  3.7 from 3 votes
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in North Carolina


11 Views Last Month
4,582 Since Apr 5, 2016
Intermediate Intermediate



Historic Oregon Inlet Life-Saving Station on MST Segment 18. Photo by PJ Wetzel, www.pjwetzel.com.
Apr 12, 2016 near Wanchese, NC
Looking towards the ridge
May 2, 2018 near Nags Head, NC
Looking down from the top of the ridge
May 2, 2018 near Nags Head, NC
Wreck of the USS Monitor.
Jun 4, 2018 near Buxton, NC


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Add Your Check-In


Jun 13, 2023
Mike Tobin
2mi — 1h 30m
Mar 5, 2022
Conner Walsh
just visited the end of the Mountain to Sea trail in Naggs Head Beach NC 2mi
Nov 29, 2020
Samm Rowland
We hiked 3 miles through the Buxton Woods Coastal Reserve. Twas pretty, but OH HOLY LYME DISEASE there were so many deer ticks!! Come prepared! 3mi
Sep 9, 2020
Jennifer Marquardt
Just the section in JRSP. A beautiful day to climb a sand dune! 1.2mi
Jun 4, 2018
Jean-Claude Linossi
Have hiked sections of this segment while living in NC
Sep 16, 2017
Chip Galusha
east bound 76 to 81.5 5.5mi
Jul 2, 2011
Jean-Claude Linossi
Fairly easy trail to the top of the ridge. The sand can slow you down and so can the wind — 0h 30m
March 2025

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