Dogs Leashed
North of I-10 it is designated the Cienega Creek Natural Preserve. List of rules can be found
Section Of
This passage starts at Lake Road and gradually climbs northeast past the Twin Tanks, traversing several small roads. The trail bends briefly to the west and then to the north again gradually closing in on Hwy 83, until it reaches Sahuarita Road, just west of the highway.
The trail continues north for three-quarters of a mile and then curves to the east under Hwy 83 through a culvert. After just under two miles across the desert, the trail traverses the Old Sonoita Highway before merging onto a two-track road.
The trail follows the two-track road across several intersections before continuing onto singletrack up toward I-10. Heading under I-10, the trail then ascends a ridgeline that leads toward its culmination at the Davidson Canyon Gabe Zimmerman Trailhead.
Shared By:
Chad Dailey