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Lake · River/Creek · Views
The Ross Lake Dam trailhead is located at the Ross Dam Trail & Resort parking area. The wooded trail quickly begins to descend to the water from the parking area. About 0.2 miles down, you cross a small wooden bridge, spanning over the steadily flowing Happy Creek. Past the creek, the trail is mostly dirt, but crosses partially buried rock and areas of loose material. A few peek-a-boos offer quick glimpses of the lake and dam as you get closer to the bottom of the trail.
When you reach the bottom of the trail, you'll encounter a gravel road, and you're almost there! Turn right on the gravel road for a view of the lake and access to the ferry for the Ross Lake Resort. By taking a left onto the gravel road and following the signs another 0.3 miles, you can work your way out onto the dam for an amazing view of Ross Lake and Jack Mountain. For a longer outing, continue across the dam to meet up with the
West Bank/Big Beaver Trail. Remember to save some energy for the 500 vertical foot climb back up the trailhead!
Shared By:
Tim Mulvihill