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Point to Point

5,538' 1,688 m


4,816' 1,468 m


991' 302 m


270' 82 m



Avg Grade (3°)


Max Grade (30°)

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A steep trail with some uneasy footing during the start. The path is narrow with some very narrow passes next to steep ledges during the initial climb, but is manageable even by somewhat acrophobia folks with a little care. This is a primitive trail so some cacti are poking into the path so you'll need to watch your foot placement. I would not suggest the initial climb for children or novices, but once your on top of the bench area the rest of the trail is much easier.

Once you start the hike the trail has no signage, so you'll want to note the following directions, as the first mile of the hike is a little confusing. Once you leave the parking area, you'll hike directly towards the hillside climb and cross a dry drainage ditch on your right immediately before you start the climb. There are a few social trails and bighorn sheep trails, but only one well travel trail that goes up the climb.

Halfway up the climb there is a Y in trail and you should take the left trail (if you miss the turn and go straight it dead ends shortly so just backtrack and catch the correct turn). Once you get to the top of the climb you'll hike towards the sandstone rock wall and come to another intersection and turn left again (this junction is obvious). (Note: Most of the trail will follow the base of the sandstone rock wall, but you'll need to enter three side canyons to get around the impassable drainage areas.

Only the first canyon is somewhat tricky to navigate due to numerous social trails). Now that you're on top and hiking into the first side canyon stay left at any "Y" in the trail (remember your trying to get to the other side of the drainage ditch and then leave the 1st canyon). The trail will actually follow the drainage creek bed for a short distance and then shortly thereafter meet another dry drainage on your right.

This is your turn and you'll follow the other creek bed upstream for ~ 50 yards, where the main trail will exit the creek bed on the left. The balance of the trail is easy to follow and doesn't have any social and rock climbing trails to confuse you. The trail is somewhat faint, but obvious throughout. If you miss a subtle turn. just backtrack a few steps and look around as the trail is easy to find.

This is a great trail to combine with the Corkscrew trail (which provide you nice switchback trail to descend off the bench area) and the Fence line trail that will take you back to your car at the White Rock Parking area.

Shared By:

Tony H with improvements by Mark Main

Trail Ratings

  4.0 from 7 votes


in Redlands


  4.0 from 7 votes
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3 Star
2 Star
1 Star
Trail Rankings


in Redlands


in Colorado


10 Views Last Month
965 Since Apr 8, 2019
Intermediate/Difficult Intermediate/Difficult



Top of the initial ascent.
Apr 6, 2019 near Redlands, CO
Looking north from the Bench Trail. with permission from Hobbes7714 Photo Credit: Andrew Wahr  Link: https://twitter.com/WahrAndrew
Jul 14, 2016 near Redlands, CO
Soldier in a line along the Bench Route. with permission from Hobbes7714 Photo Credit: Andrew Wahr  Link: https://twitter.com/WahrAndrew
Jul 21, 2016 near Redlands, CO



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Jun 8, 2019
Chantell Gregory
took corkscrew down, which added a mile 5.5mi — 4h 15m
Apr 6, 2019
Tony H
0.6mi — 1h 15m

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