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A trail to an aptly-named outcrop of Tuscarora quartzite straddling Craig and Roanoke Counties!

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2,889' 880 m


1,774' 541 m


1,162' 354 m


1,174' 358 m



Avg Grade (5°)


Max Grade (17°)

Dogs Leashed

Features River/Creek · Views


This fun loop hike is a great way to


Parking is directly off VA 311. From the Dragon's Tooth parking area, head towards the information kiosk and restrooms located at the rear of the parking area. The blue-blazed Dragon's Tooth Trail begins at the kiosk.

Go about 0.25 miles, crossing two small bridges before arriving at the intersection of the yellow-blazed Boy Scout connector trail. There are a couple of camping spots at this intersection, and if the creek is running, they are the only camping spots on the whole trail with a water source. You'll use the Boy Scout connector trail on the return trip. Bear to the right on the blue-blazed Dragon's Tooth Trail.

For the next 1.4 miles you'll cross the creek or creek bed about 7-8 times on a steady but easy climb to the intersection of the white blazed Appalachian Trail (A.T.) There are some great camping spots (no water source) at this intersection. Turn right onto the A.T., heading south towards the Dragon's Tooth.

Now the fun begins! The next 0.7 miles is one of the toughest parts of the A.T. that we have taken. The trail becomes very rocky, climbing multiple series of rock steps, the trail seemingly clinging to the edge of the mountain at times, near the top at two different places you'll use a series of U-shaped iron bar steps embedded in the rock due to the steepness of the trail, and a few overlooks to give you a breather prior to reaching the intersection of the blue-blazed Dragon's Tooth Spur Trail, bear left. Imagine doing this part of the trail as an A.T. thru-hiker with 25-35+ lbs on your back!

From there, it is less than 0.3 miles to Dragon's Tooth on an easy path. Keep your eyes open on the left for a paths leading to overlooks prior to reaching Dragons Tooth. Be sure to circle behind the Tooth, as there is a crevice that makes it possible to climb onto the Tooth. It is not the easiest climb, and if you don't feel comfortable, don't do it, be safe! There are plenty of good views without climbing the Tooth.


Shared By:

Hiking Project Staff with improvements by Jeff Monroe

Trail Ratings

  4.7 from 31 votes


  4.7 from 31 votes
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in Virginia


13 Views Last Month
5,238 Since Feb 1, 2016
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Fog clearing from the valley below.
Feb 2, 2020 near Salem, VA
View at the end of blue blaze trail next to the "tooth" facing east!
May 21, 2023 near Salem, VA
The top brings incredible views of the surrounding area as a reward for your effort.
Apr 6, 2017 near Salem, VA



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Add Your Check-In


Sep 24, 2023
Marcus Gehring
2h 55m
Mar 25, 2023
Rachel Wyble
Nice hike with some mild rock scrambling near the top. Very windy. — 2h 10m
Sep 25, 2022
ryan clarke
Mar 19, 2022
Olivia 08
4.6mi — 2h 23m
Oct 25, 2021
Kirk Larrabee
A really cool place! Great scenery. Trail is kinda moderate at first before it gets real rocky and the difficulty kicks in at the top. 5.4mi — 3h 20m
May 16, 2021
duksoo hwang
May 1, 2021
CM Sershon
After the first 1.7 mi from the parking lot the trail breaks away from the creek and there is no where to refile water till you come back down. 4.8mi — 7h 30m
Nov 7, 2020
Vickie Lee

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