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Singletrack, semi-technical trail with some nice elevation points.

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Point to Point

379' 116 m


109' 33 m


1,103' 336 m


1,031' 314 m



Avg Grade (3°)


Max Grade (15°)

Dogs Leashed

Features Birding · Fall Colors · River/Creek · Views · Wildflowers · Wildlife

The trail is in the process of being refurbished in various parts and there are occasional detours because of this. Otherwise no restrictions.

The park also closes at dusk and opens around dawn.

Consider an alternate starting point at the Valley Green Inn to create a loop - head north on Forbidden Drive until about 30 yards before Bells Mill Road then make a sharp left onto the Yellow Trail. Follow the Yellow Trail to the end then take Forbidden Drive north until you reach Valley Green

Need to Know

Parking off of Lincoln drive is sparse at best. Consider starting at Valley Green Inn instead (using Forbidden Drive to access the Yellow Trail.


Park at the base of Forbidden Drive directly off of Lincoln Drive. The Yellow Trail starts about 1/4 mile up the Lincoln Drive Trail on the right.

Immediately upon starting you'll climb a 10% grade for about a .2 of a mile. It does not get any easier after this.

Follow the yellow blazes up the path, and make sure you make the first right you can. From here you'll pass under the Henry Street Bridge and come to the one of the best views in the park - Lovers Leap.

The trail from here winds along for approximately 4 miles or so until you get to the cross path for the Valley Green Inn.

There are a number of bailout points along the way in case you want to head down to Forbidden Drive.

There are two places along the way that can trip you up.

1: At approximately mile 5, you'll come to a road that you need to cross. The connection on the other side of the road is slightly to your left and past the gate. From there you can either take the left fork or the right fork. Both will get you where you want to go. The left fork runs higher and has some slight climbing. The right is an easier part of the trail.

2: Approximately 1/2 mile later you'll come to Summit Avenue. Turn right and follow the road up the hill and then back down. Enter the park again at the trailhead. .4 of a mile after you get back on the trail you'll need to turn left. Alternatively, you can stay on the Yellow Trail without proceeding to Summit Avenue.

Once past these two parts you have some fun little steep up and downs to follow and at mile 8.8 you should be back on Forbidden Drive. Follow it south to get back to your car or head north a smidge and cross the bridge to get on the Orange Trail and head south.

Flora & Fauna

Various trees, flowers and fungi. Deer, squirrels, feral cats. Unleashed dogs. Seen a turtle or two as well.


Shared By:

Scott Spencer with improvements by Francis Gannon

Trail Ratings

  4.1 from 7 votes


  4.1 from 7 votes
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2 Star
1 Star
Trail Rankings


in Pennsylvania


7 Views Last Month
3,405 Since Jan 5, 2016
Intermediate/Difficult Intermediate/Difficult



Mr. Cole checks out the rocks near Lovers Leap.
Sep 19, 2016 near Bala-Cy…, PA
Lovers Leap - View in the winter down to Lincoln Drive and the Wissahickon Creek.
Jun 6, 2016 near Bala-Cy…, PA
Winding corners.
Jan 16, 2020 near Bala-Cy…, PA
The Wissahickon trails.
Jan 16, 2020 near Bala-Cy…, PA
The Wissahickon Trail opens up before Wises Mill Rd.
Jan 16, 2020 near Bala-Cy…, PA


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Current Trail Conditions

Add Your Check-In


Sep 18, 2023
Scott Signorino
Jul 28, 2019
Lora M
Jul 15, 2019
Chris Ineson
Trail wasn't very busy, couple of mountain bikers but otherwise empty. A lot of loose rock especially on the steeper inclines. 9mi — 3h 22m
Mar 13, 2019
Sarah Raab
Approx 7lbs in flash60 First training day 50F cloudy 5mi — 2h 00m
Sep 6, 2017
Amber Redfield
Aug 18, 2017
Jordan Roque
Feb 5, 2017
Amber Redfield
Jan 30, 2017
Adam Howell
trail conditions good. one downed tree approx. half mile north west of valley green 3mi
March 2025

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