Dogs Unknown
Fall Colors · River/Creek · Wildlife
Connecting the Rockwoods Range with the Rockwoods Reservation is the 14.5-mile Green Rock Trail. This long connector trail is one of the oldest in the area, and takes visitors through the Greensfelder Park along the way. The trail begins off of Fox Creek Road in Rockwoods Range, and carries on to the Rockwoods Reservation Visitor Center.
The start of the trail begins near Fox Creek, one of the most diverse creeks remaining in the county. Visitors should take note of the local flora and fauna, especially in this section. For the next few miles, the trail will gain and follow along the tops of various ridge lines, only dropping down to cross many creeks along the way. Take note that this portion of the trail is only open to equestrians and pedestrians. The trail will then follow Carr Creek for nearly a mile, overlapping with the
Eagle Valley Trail.
Once on the
Eagle Valley Trail, the amenities present in the Greensfelder Park are available a short ways off trail. There are restrooms and water available at the Visitor Center and in the equestrian campground. Additionally, once in Greensfelder park, cyclists, equestrians and others on foot will be present. Please be courteous to your fellow trail users!
As you leave North out of the Greensfelder park, the trail becomes a foot-path only for the 3.2 miles of the trail Rockwoods Reservation Visitor Center.
Originally maintained by the Boy Scouts of Greater St. Louis, the trail today is maintained by a combination of volunteers and Park staff. Volunteers are organized through the Gateway Off Road Cyclists, or GORC. A local non-profit, GORC has built and maintained many miles of trail throughout St. Louis.
Shared By:
St. Louis County Parks
with improvements
by John K