Dogs Unknown
Birding · Fall Colors · Views · Wildflowers · Wildlife
The Dennis Schick Trail N. begins from the Cy Road Trailhead and parallels Grant Road through a mix of wooded and open areas. Keep your eyes open for one of the numerous sinkholes which is located just to the right of the trail.
As the trail continues, you'll skirt one of the largest blocks of native woodlands remaining in the park. Sadly, this woodland suffers from the effects of honeysuckle like nearly all of the woods of Jefferson Barracks. Honeysuckle, a native shrub from Asia, was originally brought into this country as an ornamental plant. Due to its dense foliage, honeysuckle prevents the native trees and shrubs from growing.
After the first downhill, you'll see a large field on the right where you may see deer during the early morning or the evening hours. Coyote, fox, wild turkeys and other animals have also been spotted here. The neighboring trees are used by red-tailed hawks to survey the field for mice and rabbits.
If you would like to add some additional mileage to your hike, you can connect to the
Dennis Schick Trail S. to make a larger loop or figure eight before heading back to the trailhead.
Flora & Fauna
Deer, fox, coyote, wild turkeys, red-trailed hawks.
Shared By:
St. Louis County Parks