Dogs Leashed
Birding · Fall Colors · Lake · Wildflowers · Wildlife
Overlapping briefly with the Indian Turnip Trail, this trail explores the varied scenery of Meadow Mountain, from the rock strewn southern face to the lush, vernal pool-laden summit plateau, as well as the remnants of the area's industrial past at the Brant mine and homestead. Unfortunately, views of the lake and surrounding mountains are limited (the signed overlook is almost completely overgrown, but may provide a partial winter view).
From the trailhead at the visitor center, the hike proceeds across a small field and then up the gated campground access road. Just after leaving the road, the trail splits and the hike proceeds to to the left up a powerline cut before bearing left onto a woods road passed the back of the campground.
In 1.2 miles, the hike passes the Brant Mine Trail and the Brant Homestead site before ascending Meadow Mountain. At 1.5 miles, the trail bears right around a switchback and continues to ascend, reaching the ridgeline at mile 2.0 (at junction with the Overlook Trail, which leads a short distance to a very overgrown overlook platform).
The hike continues east along the ridge, passing a communications array and old fire tower at mile 2.5. At mile 3.2, the trail bears right onto another woods road and becomes concurrent with the Indian Turnip Trail as it descends from Meadow Mountain. At mile 3.5, the hike leaves the old road and heads onto a rocky singletrack trail and proceeds west along the base of Meadow Mountain back to the powerline cut at mile 4.2.
From there, you'll follow the Meadow Mountain Trail as it merges with the Indian Turnip Trail until you reach the campground access road. From here, visitors will follow the campground access road back to the visitor center.
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Luke AT
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