Dogs No Dogs
Views · Wildflowers
Family Friendly
A flat and easy with some history thrown in.
The trailhead is located at a large parking loop west of the north entrance to the monument. The trailhead is well marked and includes brochures with information for the self-guided tour.
Follow the trail as it passes some of the structures that made up Gillems Camp during the Modoc War. Some of these structures include a cemetery and a circular "corral" that was used to house a Modoc prisoner. Gillems Camp itself was established April 1, 1873, and was the principal location from which U.S. soldiers launched attacks against Modoc warriors holed up in
Captain Jacks Stronghold.
The trail also joins a portion of
Gillem Bluff Trail, which, although more challenging, offers great views of Gillems Camp.
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Quin TCM